Build Your Own Website

Build Your Own Website

A Comic Guide to HTML, CSS, and WordPress
by Nate Cooper, with art by Kim Gee
September 2014, 264 pp.
This book is currently out of stock, but the ebook is still available

"I highly recommend this title to anyone wanting a quick and painless introduction to HTML, CSS, and WordPress."
—TechRepublic (Read More)

"Non-intimidating...introduces concepts at a relaxed and fun pace via the comic format."
—Slashdot (Read More)

"One of the few books on the topic which entertains as well as educates."

"A lighthearted how-to guide that puts students on a yellow brick road to setting up a website."
—Amy Cowen, Science Buddies (Read More)

Look Inside!

Build Your Own WebsiteBuild Your Own Website
Build Your Own WebsiteBuild Your Own Website

Build Your Own Website is a fun, illustrated introduction to the basics of creating a website. Join Kim and her little dog Tofu as she learns HTML, the language of web pages, and CSS, the language used to style web pages, from the Web Guru and Glinda, the Good Witch of CSS.

Once she figures out the basics, Kim travels to WordPress City to build her first website, with Wendy, the WordPress Maven, at her side. They take control of WordPress® themes, install useful plugins, and more.

As you follow along, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use HTML tags
  • Make your site shine with CSS
  • Customize WordPress to fit your needs
  • Choose a company to host your site and get advice on picking a good domain name

The patient, step-by-step advice you’ll find in Build Your Own Website will help you get your website up and running in no time. Stop dreaming of your perfect website and start making it!

Author Bio 

Nate Cooper is an Apple-Certified trainer who teaches people how to build websites. He regularly offers classes about web basics in New York City.

Kim Gee is an illustrator and graphic designer, currently living in New York City with her boyfriend and her pet dog, Tofu. In 2010 she created her eponymous web comic and has since self-published a graphic novel and mini-comic collecting her work.

Table of contents 

Chapter 1: The First Day of Class
Chapter 2: The Trouble with HTML
Chapter 3: Kim Makes Things Look Great with CSS
Chapter 4: Kim Explores WordPress City
Chapter 5: Customizing WordPress
Chapter 6: The Big Launch

View the detailed Table of Contents (PDF)
View the Index (PDF)


Read an interview with author Nate Cooper at Technically Brooklyn.

"The comic book format may be a perfect vehicle for teaching this sort of skill."
—Weekly Book Scan (Read More)

"An excellent book."
—The Chartered Institute for IT (Read More)

"Shows the a fun and friendly comic strip environment."
—Berger's Book Reviews (Read More)